Afrin/Syria: Repeated targeting of indigenous minors

On 13th March 2024, a displaced person in Jenderes city in Afrin region killed the 16-year-old Kurdish child, “Ahmed Khaled Mamo” from “Al-Hammam” village in the Jenderes district, in a heinous manner. The perpetrator, called “Yamen Ahmed Al-Ibrahim” is 18 years old, comes from the Sinjar district of the Idlib countryside. Ahmed was beheaded and stabbed several times, then thrown …

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“Everything is by the Power of the Weapon”, an international report highlighting human rights violations in Afrin

Last February 2024, Human Rights Watch issued a detailed report on the ongoing violations in areas under the control of National Army factions, entitled “Everything by the Power of the Weapon”. The report discussed the most prominent violations taking place in areas under the control of Turkey and the National Army factions, including the Afrin region, describing Turkish control over …

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Syria/Qamishli: A cultural symposium in commemoration of the 12th anniversary of the artist “Muhammad Ali Tijo”

Symposium speakers, from right: “Jwan Ibrahim - Suzdar Rashid - Khunav Othman - Sharif Muhammad” - Image source: from the HRRK page

The Rojava Intellectuals of Kurdistan Union (HRRK) in his center in Qamishlo held a cultural and artistic debate to memorialize the twelfth anniversary passing of the popular artist “Muhammad Ali Tijo” under the title “Muhammad Ali Tijo, the Memory of Chyayi Kurminj- Kurds Mountain”. The debate began with the screening of a documentary film about artist’s life, the most important …

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With the beginning of the year 2024, cases of imposing taxes and collecting financial ransoms from indigenous people have not stopped, as the date set by the armed factions for the people approached and the cases of seizing agricultural crops decreased with the end of the olive harvest season. The faction of Sultan Suleiman Shah (Al-Amshat) had announced that the …

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Syria/Afrin: Dissatisfaction of the Jenderes crime victims’ families about the Al-Rai Court decision

The Military Court in Al-Rai of the Syrian Interim Government - Image source: from the Internet

On Wednesday, 17th January 2024, the military court in Al-Rai city in the northern countryside of Aleppo, which is under the control of Syrian opposition factions, issued a death sentence against three members of the “Jaysh al-Sharqiya” faction of the Syrian National Army and acquitted another for killing four Kurdish citizens on the eve of Newroz night, 20th March 2023. …

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Syria/Afrin: Elderly people are exposed to human rights violations

Spouses Abdul Hamid Youssef and Fatima Youssef after being assaulted

No group of society has been spared from the multiple violations committed by armed factions against indigenous people since the occupation of Afrin in March 2018. These violations also included vulnerable groups of children and women, in addition to the elderly, who have become targeted by murders, assaults, beatings, humiliation and imposed taxes on them. Also, they are subjected to …

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158 Syrian Organizations Condemn the Turkish Targeting of Civilian Infrastructure in North and East Syria

The Syrian city of Qamishli during its bombing by Türkiye

Coinciding with Christmas and New Year celebrations, as well as the war in Gaza, the areas of north and east Syria, inhabited by diverse ethnic and religious groups, are witnessing destructive Turkish military escalation. This escalation includes targeting vital infrastructure, oil and energy sources, and essential facilities necessary for the survival of the civilian population, including Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, and …

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Shahba/Northern Aleppo countryside: The besieged people of Afrin lack means of heating with the advent of winter

One of the camps in the Shahba area in the winter - Image source: Exclusive to “Lelun”

The Fourth Division of the Syrian Army imposes a tight siege on the Shahba area by controlling the checkpoints on the road between the city of Aleppo and the Shahba area – the northern countryside of Aleppo, which is under the control of the Autonomous Administration, and is the only reliable road to deliver fuel, medical supplies, and the monthly …

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