سوريا/عفرين: منظمة العفو الدولية تطلق حملة ضدانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان من قبل الفصائل المدعومة منتركيا

شعار منظمة العفو الدولية

أطلقت منظمة العفو الدولية حملة تدعو إلى وضع حد لانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان المستمرة في شمال غرب سوريا، وتحديداً في منطقة عفرين، التي تسيطر عليها الفصائل المسلحة التابعة للجيش الوطني السوري المدعوم من تركيا. تحت عنوان “يجب على تركيا وقف انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في شمال غرب سوريا”. جاءت هذه الحملة في ظل تصاعد التوترات والانتهاكات الممنهجة ضد المدنيين في المنطقة. الحملة، …

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Syria: Statement on the Passage of Five Years Since the Occupation of Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê and Tall Abyad During “Peace Spring” Operation

Image source: Lelun

 126 Organizations call for ceasing the occupation, ensuring a voluntary, safe and dignified return for the IDPs, halting demographic changes, and adopting a reparations-based approach for those affected, as part of a comprehensive process that guarantees accountability and justice for the victims   Five years have passed since the Turkish occupation of areas of Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê and Tall Abyad …

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A group of Afrin displaced people gathering in the Nabi Hori roundabout in the city of Qamishli

Introduction: The Turkish war by the participating of the Syrian opposition forces affiliated with it on Afrin, began on January 20, 2018 and continued for 58 days, ending with the occupation of the Afrin city, the center of the region, on March 18, 2018. This resulted in the forced displacement of more than half of the region’s original inhabitants, and …

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The reality of Afrin’s displaced people in the host community… Challenges and ways to mitigate them

On August 19, 2024, within the “Aram” project to integrate the displaced community into the host community, and with the support of the Civil Society Center in Qamishli, the Lelun Association for Victims held a dialogue session on “The reality of Afrin’s displaced people in the host community… Challenges and ways to mitigate them.” The session included a number of …

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Escalation of Threats and Violence Against Syrian Refugees in Turkey: An Urgent Call to Protect Human Rights

In recent days, Türkiye has witnessed campaigns of incitement and violence against Syrian refugees, affecting all Syrians and their properties. These incidents began in the city of Kayseri and have spread to other Turkish cities. This followed an escalation in political incitement against Syrians and a tightening of arbitrary forced deportation measures. Syrians in Türkiye have been suffering for some …

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Syria/Afrin: An international human rights report talks about human rights violations in Afrin

On 14th May 2024, the CEASEFIRE Center for Civilian Rights and the Kurdish “YASA” Center for Human Rights Studies and Legal Consultations issued a detailed report on the violations to which civilians are exposed in the Afrin region by armed factions affiliated the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army under the title “Escalating human rights violations in Syria’s Afrin”. The report was …

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Syria/Afrin: In light of a major media blackout, a citizen dies under torture in the prisons of armed factions

On 20th April 2024, the administration of Al-Rai Prison informed the families of the detained Kurdish citizen, “Jangin Othman Naasan” 36, from the “Ruta/Al-Mazoula” village in the Maabatli/Mobata district. His family – his grandmother in the “Gazeah” village near Afrin city center to receive his body from the hospital in Al-Rai town in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, where he …

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The reinforcement of displaced people by military factions increases violations against indigenous civilians


A video clip on 6th April 2024 showed details of the crime of attacking an elderly Kurdish man named “Farid Suleiman Hasso” 60, and his son “Muhammed Hasso” 15, from Kakhreh/Yakhour village in Maabatli district of Afrin by two displaced shepherds and members of the military headquarters of the Al-Hamza Division (Al-Hamzat) on its land near the Gawrekan/ Gawreka village …

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A report on human rights violations in Afrin during the months of February and March 2024

Image source: Lelun

The series of violations against the indigenous people of Afrin and their property continues by various armed factions in the villages and cities of the Afrin region. These violations may vary depending on the rich agricultural seasons in the region. The months of February and March 2024 witnessed many arrests in various places in the villages and districts of the …

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Syria: A research report highlights property rights violations and forced displacement

Image source: Pel report

The “PEL – Civil Waves” organization issued a research report on HLP rights violations. They published it on 30th March 2024, entitled: “Theft of property as one of the tools of forced displacement in the Afrin, Tal Abyad, and Sere Kaniye/Ras al-Ain (Northern Syria)”. The report addressed HLP rights violations in both the Afrin region since March 2018 and the …

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