Lelun Association For Victims’ participation in the Forum on Minority Issues – sixteenth session in Geneva

Participation of Lelun member “Kawa Omar” in the Geneva Forum - Image source: From a video published on the official website of the United Nations

Member of the Lelun Association for Victims, Mr. Kawa Omar, participated in the sixteenth session of the Forum on Minority Issues in Geneva, which was held over in 30 November and 1 December 2023. The representative of the “Lelun Association For Victims” delivered his speech at the forum, noting the violations that the Afrin region has witnessed since its occupation …

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Baadanli village/Baadina in Raju district - Image source: Exclusive to “Lelun”

The areas under control of the armed factions of the Syrian National Army loyal to Turkey are witnessing continuous and ongoing violations in addition they restrict the indigenous population. Turkish intelligence is also participating in increasing the pace of ongoing violations, especially those occurring in the Afrin region since its occupation in 2018 until now. Violations were numerous this month, …

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The Lelun Association For Victims’ Speech at the Forum on Minority Issues in Geneva in its sixteenth session

United Nations Headquarters in Geneva - Image source: exclusive to “Lelun”

My name is “Kawa Omar” from Afrin; the Kurdish region in northern Syria and I speak on behalf of the “Lelun Association For Victims”. Here, from this platform, I would like to convey to you the suffering of our people in the Afrin region, which Turkey has occupied since March 2018. Afrin’s indigenous Kurdish population has suffered from widespread violations …

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Lelun’s report on human rights violations in Afrin region during October 2023

Olive season in Afrin - photo from the archive

Armed factions affiliated with the Syrian National Army continue to repeatedly commit violations against indigenous people and their property in Afrin region and its environs continually. The frequency of these violations increases and becomes more frequent during the agricultural seasons, especially during the olive harvest season, for which the Syrian region of Afrin is famous. The “Lelun”s team monitored some …

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“Five Years of Injustice are Enough!”

Table of Contents Executive Summary 4 Methodology. 6 Large-Scale Property Seizures. 8 Public Facilities Were Also Seized. 10 Property Seizures Expanded to Jindires’ Suburbs. 11 Victims of Multiple Violations. 11 Armed Seizures. 12  Violations Against the Yazidi Minority. 13 Bafilyoun Village Grab. 13 Properties Confiscated for Military Purposes. 15 Torture and Ill-treatment. 17 Tortured and Killed Five Years Later by …

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Syria: The International Investigation Committee Report about violations by armed factions in Afrin

The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria - Image from the commission’s official page

The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria Report was issued on 12th September 2023. It consists of 39 pages, covers the period from 1st January to 30th June 2023, and based its methodology on 447 direct interviews, conducted either in person or remotely, talks about the most violations committed throughout the Syrian geography by various parties of the conflict. …

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Syria: Human rights violations in the Afrin region during September 2023

Violations in September 2023 - Image source: Exclusive to “Lelun”

Armed factions under various names affiliated with the Syrian National Army are continuing to commit violations against most of the indigenous people of the Afrin region without any respect or consideration for the difficult living situation experienced by the people. Especially, those recently return from displacement places to their villages and farms, trying to regain their homes and lands. But …

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